A New Reason to Rotate All Season

Proper rotation is essential in fighting against fly bait resistance — allowing for even greater fly control on any operation. DuraStrike® Fly Scatter Bait can be used in conjunction with QuikStrike® Fly Bait, Golden Malrin® Fly Bait, and Cyanarox® Insecticidal Bait as an alternative or additional rotational product. These baits feature different active ingredients, different attractants and different modes of action, that can help prevent resistance when used in rotation.

“We strongly recommend our product users regularly rotate our fly baits to help prevent resistance and ensure optimal effectiveness,” said Brandon Schweiss, business manager for the Farm and Ranch division of Central Life Sciences. “The Starbar line now gives us four excellent rotational bait options, so our customers don’t need to look anywhere else for their fly control needs.”

Starbar® DuraStrike® Fly Scatter Bait is a ready-to-use granular bait for use in and around residential, commercial, and agricultural structures to control house and fruit flies, and kill blow flies indoors. DuraStrike® Fly Scatter Bait can be applied as a scatter bait or in a refillable bait station in areas not accessible to children, pets or livestock.

The amount of bait applied can be adjusted to the level of fly population present, even as low as 1.6 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. for the maintenance of fly populations. The product is approved for use in and around dairies, broiler houses, stables, swine facilities, food processing plants and more labeled sites.


  • The active ingredient Indoxacarb
  • Convenient 1 lb. can and 28 lb. bucket


  • Controls house and fruit flies in and around residential, commercial, institutional, and agricultural structures
  • Kills blow flies indoors
  • Provides an alternative mode of action for insecticide resistance management
  • Can be used as part of an integrated pest management program

For the most effective control of flies, use DuraStrike® Fly Scatter Bait as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program that also features traps, sprays and best cultural practices. With four fly baits that have different active ingredients, modes of action, and attractants, there is no reason to go anywhere else for your fly control needs.

